Where are you?
Then the man and his wife heard the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” Genesis 3:8
So, we’ve all been there. We’ve all asked God “the” question. “Lord, where are you?” In this story of Adam and Eve they had been deceived by Satan to eat a piece of fruit from a tree that God specifically warned them against. Eve made a conscious decision to believe the devil’s deception. He told her that she would not die if she ate from the tree, and God said they both would “surely die” If they ate it. Adam and Eve chose to believe the lies of Satan.
When God told Adam and Eve they would die, He did not mean that they would immediately die a natural death. A spiritual death would come first. Let’s just say the relationship became awkward, for them, not God. Their sin and disobedience put distance between them and God.
Somewhere along the lines we tend to forget that our choices to disobey God separates us from Him. Adam and Eve knew they had sinned, so they hid themselves from God when they heard Him walking in the garden. God was looking for them. This was something the Lord did regularly. He knew they had disobeyed him. Yet still, He was moving towards them, as they moved away.
How many times have we found ourselves questioning God on His whereabouts when really it should be the other way around?
I always say, God never left. He is in the same place where we left Him! Repent, and go back.