The Beauty All Around
Have you noticed that we are mostly wired to see what isn’t just right in our lives? Today, it’s as though our eyes are drawn to every imperfection in our lives, and the lives of others.
Some may see it as paying attention to detail. In certain professions having a critical eye is an asset. But, being a critic in our everyday rhythm of life becomes exhausting.
I must admit over recent years that I have developed that not so desirable habit. Someone gives me a compliment, and I counter by drawing attention to what isn’t compliment worthy.
I’m convinced this comes from a desire of wanting everything to be perfect, so I can rest. I am starting to realize that this is not always a healthy goal.
We need to shift our focus, and set our gaze on all the things that are working. This is not always easy because, of well, other people. They can play a huge factor in helping us point out the things in our lives, and in the lives of others that aren’t right.
If someone is perfectly put together people will focus on that one piece of hair that is out of place. Or, if a person is well accomplished, folks will point out a situation in their life that is not put together.
If we choose, we could see the beauty all around us. Family, friends, nature, our pets, gifts, and the talents we carry.
We could appreciate the people who are still with us instead of focusing on the ones that are gone. We could focus on the health we have instead of the bits and pieces that have seemingly made an exit.
I want to have joy period. Joy as an attribute. Peace. This can only come from within. A place that we nuture, protect and keep intact no matter the circumstance.
As of today, I refuse to focus on the things that are not right. I can only control so much. But the one thing that I can control is me.
Today, lets focus on what is right, and keep that as our focus. I promise you it’s there. Before long this practice will all us to continously see Beauty All Around.