Focused on Trust

Chandra Hawthorne
3 min readNov 15, 2022
Photo by Robin McSkelly on Unsplash

Trust in any process, person, or idea is a matter of faith. Even if some may feel they are not religious, consistent actions and thought process shows that we all have faith in something. Afterall, we never know for sure, how anything will turn out. We have hope in our education, money, family, and friends, even though they are flawed. Even a proven system will fail sometimes.

With this knowledge it can become hard to focus on trust, as the Bible often asks believers to do. I am always coming back to Psalm 37:5 which tells us to commit everything we do to the Lord, trust Him and He will help us.

The reason trust becomes hard is because there is a tinge of doubt, or unbelief in what God wants to do with us.

There are times when we don’t get what we want, because we don’t want what God wants.

This is what makes trust hard. We have to want what God wants. And we have to commit our ways to Him to find out what He wants.

There is no way any of us can learn and understand a person if we don’t spend time with them. There is no way we can flourish in a relationship with a person if we don’t know them. It is the same principle with God.

We can’t ignore God, or His ways, and then blame Him when things don’t turn out as we expected.

I can be all over the place sometimes, especially when it comes to purpose vs. paycheck. I promise I will do a blog post on that one day, because we all struggle with it. Make money, Or do what makes me happy?

We are in distracting times, and it’s hard to focus on what we should be doing. Social media and the internet has definitely made this harder. I think they call that FOMO,(fear of missing out). Yah I just learned that, and it’s real!

But, there is no way that we can be missing out if we are following God’s path for our life, we have to trust this.

God says focus on Him, but we are focused on what everyone else is doing. You may not think so. But I have notice very similar money making trends infiltrating everyone’s business.

If you are not on every single social media platform promoting your business, “you are missing out.” If you are not launching an online class “you are missing out,” If you are not day trading “like this”, you are missing out.” It goes on and on.

We are chasing money, status, and influence. Our trust is in how much we can grab. This is not the path of God. It may be what you want, but trust it is not at the top of God’s checklist for your life.

Wanting money isn’t bad. We need it to operate and live. But always chasing money is, because it is never endng.

We will stay on a hamster wheel because to feed the desire for more and more money does not fulfill God’s given purpose for our life.

Focus on Trust. Trust in what our God given purpose is, and allowing God to do the rest. We work and run in that direction.

We trust in God to deliver us to that expected end.

What did God give you to do? What did God bless you with? We have to keep working on that. Committing it to Him and then..

Trust the outcome.



Chandra Hawthorne

Christian/Inspirational Author/ Writer. Elevating Lives with simple truths.